
If everyone thought the same way, we’d get bored with one another pretty quickly.

Sure, sometimes people challenge us by supporting the opposite football team or voting for the other political candidate, but in the end there’s no ultimate truth.

We need each other’s knowledge and experiences to expand our own.

Your challenge today is to practice compassion by β€œstepping in other people’s shoes”.   

For example, think of a person you disagree with and come up with reasons why they behave the way they do. This could include their upbringing, skills, interests and hobbies.

If you can’t think of a real person in your life, imagine a fictional character.

The aim of this exercise is to go outside of the comfort zone of your belief system and embrace different points of view.

What’s in it?

Daily challenge
Daily question
Daily inspiration


Day 6: Integrity


Day 8: Motivation