
We need to learn how to work with our natural tendencies and use certain tricks when we’re just not having a good day. Athletes keep practicing even on bad days.

It’s about showing up, even when motivation hasn’t arrived yet.

Your challenge today is to find what motivates you and build your motivation shortcuts (daily actions that excite you about showing up).

For example… Is there anyone you look up to among your friends or family members? Ask them how they stay motivated.

Another way to better understand motivation is by watching a Ted talk or browsing podcast episodes on Spotify.

The aim is to figure out what you need motivation for and what are the best habits to keep practicing, even when motivation’s not quite there.

In time, you will build the habit of consistency, which will ultimately help you to advance with your personal growth and life goals much faster.

What’s in it?

Daily challenge
Daily question
Daily inspiration


Day 7: Empathy


Day 9: Courage