DAY 21


At the heart of every great story love can be found. Whether it's a song, a film or a book, love shines through words, actions and the little things. Love is also at the core of personal growth - it's love for the process!

Love is one of the most universal experiences, but it can be difficult to tell the people we love exactly how much we appreciate them.

Why? Well, love makes us vulnerable and we often don’t have the right training for it.

Your challenge today is to tell someone you love them with a message or letter of appreciation.

For example, you can write a love letter to your partner and share everything about them that makes your life better. Alternatively, you can send a message of appreciation to a friend, colleague or neighbour that has helped you in some way, big or small.

The aim is to share the loveβ€Šβ€”β€Šemotional intelligence is useful not only in tough situations, but it also helps us to build stronger, healthier relationships. 

What’s in it?

Daily challenge
Daily question
Daily inspiration


Day 20: Self-care


Day 22: Play