

If you like traveling, there’s no better superpower than teleporting to help you explore the world. Well, maybe flying will save you some money from plane, train and bus tickets? And invisibility can assist you in skipping the long queues?

But teleporting is the ultimate form of escapism.

The word teleport means “transport or be transported across space and distance instantly”, or to have the power to go anywhere in the world in seconds.

If you really think about it, teleporting is a lot like using your imagination to the next level.

In order to get there – the destination you have in mind – you have to picture it. Just like when you’re trying to draw an image from memory, you have to really focus your attention to bring forth the perfect image of a person, place or some other object.

Artists, writers, performers: they all use their imagination to teleport themselves to “the other side” so they can bring the vision to the blank canvas, to the empty notepad, or directly to the stage.

In the process of meditation and even day-dreaming we can conjure up new worlds that allow us to explore the depths of our imagination in complete stillness.

So if we already have the power of imagination, then surely we have a lot more control over our thoughts than we think we do? Unless it is precisely imagination that takes the best of us when we allow it to take over without our guidance? I’m talking about overthinking, negative thoughts, and the worst case scenarios that suddenly pop into your mind.

There’s so much to see in the world. Pick a random place on the map. Google it. Watch clips on YouTube. Then picture yourself in it. Exploring. Sightseeing. Discovering.

Every day is an opportunity to learn something new. We may not have the ability to teleport right now, but with the kind of imagination we each have within us, anything is possible.

Traveling from Austria to Australia in seconds might be a dream for the future, but today you have the power to learn more about both destinations online in seconds and isn’t that a beautiful thing!



Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!



