

Someone once said, “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

What this saying really means is follow your dreams – the things that make your heart beat faster – and time will stretch as an eternity of joy, passion and love.

Look, following your dream doesn’t necessarily mean all the bad things in the world are going to disappear. But they won’t be able to distract your or slow you down once you understand what really demands your attention – your goals.


Because what you pay attention to ultimately becomes your reality.

So what’s your driving force to keep going? At 5AM or at 5PM, at midday or at midnight, on Mondays and on bank holidays? Whatever it may be, it’s connected to your dream.

Dreams give us wings while grounding us firmly in the present moment.

To have a dream and choose to pursue it means to wish to bring some sort of change that will benefit more than just yourself.


Because dreams are all about giving (back) to others.

  • “I want to start a company, because I want to help people.”

  • “I want to write a book, because I want to inspire people.”

  • “I want to raise my profile, so that I can reach more people and teach them how to do X better.”

  • “I want to study this course or meet that person, because I believe they can help me change the world.”

A dream is a calling to do better – for yourself, for your community, for the world.

The question – when’s the last time you outgrew a dream – can be related to two possible outcomes.

  1. Did you give up on a dream that was special to you?

  2. Did you give up on a dream that wasn’t yours to begin with?

Sometimes as we grow up, we witness the ambitions of those around us and adopt them as our own as a way to be the “hero” or “heroine” of the family that will bring them to fruition.

But here’s the thing – we each have our own unique dreams, a role to play in shaping the world into its next version. It will do your soul no good to follow someone else’s dreams, even if you’re extremely successful at them.

So if you have a dream that’s been pushed to the side of your mind, but occasionally keeps you awake at night with the “What if” scenarios, my question to you is this one – what’s stopping you from pursuing it?



Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!



