BORN TO DO IT: Education Innovator with David Richards

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What does the natal birth chart of an Education Innovator look like?

We'll take a look into the "Earth instructions" of Mindset Coach, Empath and Education Expert David Richards who's on a mission to reform the education system and illuminate the way forward to a more heart-led living: one community at a time!

  • Who's responsible for education? How can we redefine the roles of parents and teachers in a more holistic world?

  • What does education actually include?

  • Why do we still battle with such high levels of ignorance and inequality even in today's age of always-on technology?

  • Can mindfulness transform the classrooms?

  • We've heard about leading with love, but what does it mean to teach with love?

Join us for an inspiring conversation around innovation across the education sector and beyond 🌍

Imagine you were tasked with opening a school. What would you include in the curriculum? What would you do differently than your own teachers? How would you prepare children for today's world?

According to Education Innovator David Richards opening a school isn't as difficult as it sounds!

Here's his advice:

"Start small – anywhere from 10 to a 100 kids in a building. Trust your vision or inner calling. Don't worry about the bureaucracy."


Over the course of his 25-year career, David has worked in roles ranging from CEO and board member to teacher, coach, special education consultant and principal. He is most proud to have founded Growth Public School, a diverse K-8 charter school in Sacramento proving that learner- and heart-centered schools are the way of the future.

Prior to his career as an educational leader, David grew up in the school of hard knocks. His early trauma forced him to grow up too fast – like many of us. He forgot how to play, trusted no one and in school became the quiet child who lacked confidence and struggled to make friends.

After high school – determined to beat the odds – David left home, ultimately graduating with honours from UC Berkeley and Stanford University.

Today David empowers leaders, teachers and change makers who are ready to trust their intuition and lead with the heart, wherever their North Star might be guiding them to go next!

Connect with David at


Why did I pick GREEN for the episode's theme?

Green is the colour of the HEART chakra and for us to truly transform the world, we need to first open up our hearts to give and receive more love! The education system has always been a home to leaders who lead with love – the Teachers that warmly welcome new children into the classrooms every year to send them away with more skills, knowledge and appreciation for life.

May this episode remind us all to let love show us the way for we are simply here to follow the guidance that is best communicated through our intuition, the most honest compass we could ever ask for in life.


BORN TO DO IT is a series of stories from humans around the world who are trying to make Earth a better place one day a time.

We’ll unlock their natal birth chart instructions together and figure out if they’re on the right track — if they are moving in alignment with their soul purpose.

Everyone’s got a soul purpose. It’s how you are meant to create positive change in society by being you most authentic self!

To discover your soul purpose, look no further than your own name. But also your natal birth chart, astrology and numerology can help.

One is not born into their purpose, one steps into their purpose.

Want to learn more? Find your own purpose


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!

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