How to Lead with Your Human Design Type

The Human Design Type Images are from The Wild Pixel

There are 5 distinctive leadership styles based on the human design system.

What's Human Design?

Well, it's a system of data points that gives you the tools to continue your self-growth and apply your innate abilities to lead your life with more awareness.

A quick Google search shows that...

Human Design is a holistic self-knowledge system that combines astrology, the Chinese I Ching, Judaic Kabbalah, Vedic philosophy and even modern physics.

The human design system separates humans into 5 different personality types based on their giving and receiving energy, which explains their strengths and purpose in life.

Here are the 5 personalities:

  • Generators: The Builders (37%)

  • Manifesting Generators: The Creators (33%)

  • Projectors: The Guides (20%)

  • Manifestors: The Channelers (9%)

  • Reflectors: The Analysts (1%)

Let's look into each type, what sets them apart in the world and the key to their success!


Generators make up about 37% of the population, which makes them the most common personality type from the human design system.

They are here to work, to build, to set the foundation and create connections, too.

The Generator's strategy: know yourself and respond accordingly.

They have an open aura, which allows for open communication and great reciprocity. This makes them superb team members and perfect additions to a scaling company that has aspirations to go global.

Since Generators have an open aura, they usually attract opportunities to them and respond when an opportunity is a match to their purpose, vision for life and skillset. This is why it's so important for them to know themselves, so they can say YES to the right opportunities and turn down ideas that aren't in alignment with their identity or goals.

πŸ”‘ The key to their success is to love what they do and they'll give it their full focus, energy and skills to make it thrive!


Manifesting Generators make up about 33% of humans, which makes them the second most common personality type.

They are here to visualise, to create, to inform and to help pave new paths.

The Manifesting Generator's strategy: visualise, respond and inform.

Manifesting Generators are usually multi-faceted, multi-passionate individuals who like to follow their instincts and focus their energy on projects that excite them. That's how they are utilising their instructions to visualise (imagine the success of a project), respond (agree to take part in it) and inform (channel their potential and ideas to make it happen).

In other words, they have the imagination of a Manifestor and the work ethic of a Generator, but their energy remains fluid as they discover themselves and the world around them.

Manifesting Generators can be fantastic Entrepreneurs thanks to their ability to grasp big ideas and how to bring them to life. Equally, they'd make great additions to a start-up environment where there's plenty of creative freedom to play and innovate.

πŸ”‘ The key to their success is to love what they do and to have the creative freedom to bring their authenticity in the final product!


Projectors make up about 20% of humans, which makes them the third most common personality type.

They are here to learn, understand, guide and connect people to possibilities.

The Projector's strategy: wait for an invitation and uplift others.

Their aura is focused and absorbing, so that they can evaluate when opportunities present themselves and then give a balanced response.

Projectors have amazing people skills and they are able to get to the heart of different audiences, because of their highly developed intuitive abilities. Not only do they know what advice to give, but they can inspire others to dream bigger and seek more in life.

Projectors are perfectly suited to run their own business or support the projects of others as part of their advisory board. They can make fantastic coaches and mentors as they gently but firmly encourage others to leave their comfort zone in the pursuit of channeling more of their potential and accomplishing the impossible.

πŸ”‘ The key to their success is to delegate in order to empower others and step into the role of Guide for the people they choose to lead!


Manifestors make up only about 9% of humans, which makes them quite a rare and often times misunderstood personality type.

They are here to visualise, act, pursue, create and innovate beyond the status quo.

The Manifestor's strategy: initiate, lead and inform.

Manifestors are the catalysts for change in society, which is why they can face a lot of resistance from their peers and whole industries when they begin to pursue their goals, dreams and ideas for Earth.

Their aura is closed and repelling, and because of it they push away things that are not in alignment with their identity or goals. It's important for Manifestors to continue to inform others of their plans or vision for the future as a way to create "gateways" in their aura to be able to receive support, understanding and resources from others, because no one can achieve success in life on their own, even if Manifestors tend to work alone.

While Manifestors have a closed aura to their peers on Earth, they have an open connection to the spiritual realm and they can ask / receive ideas, instructions and guidance with more ease than any other human design personality type.

Manifestors make fantastic communicators, but if they see that the current audience is not fit to understand them, they are not afraid to leave the room and even seek another building for their ideas, because they're here on a mission to change the world and as Channelers, they are walking and talking Idea Generators wherever they go.

Manifestors might struggle working within a business structure where they are not allowed creative freedom to channel their ideas and therefore they're often better suited for running their own business or embarking on a freelancer journey until they find an environment that knows how to make use of their gifts.

πŸ”‘ The key to their success is to have the creative freedom to express themselves and continue to expand their skills every step of the way!


Reflectors make up about 1% of the population, which makes them the rarest personality type, yet they have an important role in society.

They are here to observe, collect data and samples, analyse, inform and connect.

The Reflector's strategy: wait for the right time to act.

Reflectors are the true mirrors of society in all of its shades: the good, the bad, the ugly. They can be great analysts and investigators when it's time for a community to shift for the better, because they will reflect back its true state, but it's important for them to take their time researching and collecting data before they present it to others.

Their aura is resistant and sampling, which means other people might struggle to establish connection or partnership with them, but that's part of their design too: Reflectors are here to be unbiased witnesses to human evolution and collect information without the influence of other people's manipulation tactics.

Much like the Manifestors, Reflectors might need more time in solitude as they are trying to make sense of the status quo and the type of work that needs to be done. Reflectors have a unique relationship with the Moon cycles, which further signifies the importance of their patience and eye for details.

Reflectors need the freedom to move and explore as they're collecting data, which makes them fantastic Researchers and pursuing an academic path might be quite the rewarding journey for them. If they wish to be more involved with society, they will make great additions to the advisory board of corporate giants as they'll be able to give them the most honest and impactful advice as to how to make their business more sustainable in the continuously changing socio-economic climate.

πŸ”‘ The key to their success is to communicate effectively and share their insights with others as a way to find belonging in the communities they enter and serve!


You can discover your human design personality type here. There are many more websites that offer insights as to your human design chart and how to extract your strengths as well as your growth opportunities.

While there are 5 different personality types, there are 12 human design profiles – I'll go through them in another newsletter article.

I found out that I'm a Manifestor – a 6/2 Manifestor to be more precise πŸ‘€

What's your human design type? Leave a comment!

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Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!

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