5 Ways to Escape the Fear-Based Programming

Rule #1โ€ฆ Donโ€™t panic! ๐Ÿฆ‹

What do we do when we panic?

We seek comfort with different coping mechanisms:

  • snacking

  • binge-watching

  • binge-drinking

  • mindless social media scrolling

  • killing time with small chat

As long as your cortisol levels are high, you are in survival mode or in the fight-or-flight state.

To calm down your nervous system, you need to switch from operating in your sympathetic system to being in your parasympathetic system.

As Bessel Van Der Kolk writes:

โ€œNeuroscience research shows that the only way we can change the way we feel is by becoming aware of our inner experience and learning to befriend what is going inside ourselves.โ€

So rule #1 is DONโ€™T PANIC (yes, just like in The Hitchhikerโ€™s Guide to the Galaxy). 

Here are 5 key tips to help you live with more mindfulness, so that you can slowly but surely leave the fear-based programming youโ€™ve been exposed to since the day you were born.


TV is the biggest propaganda tool used since the dawn of technology. 

TV has been poisoning our minds with all kinds of wrong messages that are based on fear to keep us distracted from using our free will.

The people who created the Monarch Mind Control Programming and the MK Ultra Mind Control Programming are desperate: thatโ€™s why the number of drug ads on TV has not only increased, it is taking more airtime than actual movies sometimes, to name one example.

Theyโ€™re getting sloppy, because they know theyโ€™re running out of time being in charge of the show called life on Earth!

Until whatโ€™s on TV starts to shape up a more positive world, itโ€™s pointless to keep feeding your brain with content thatโ€™s adding almost nothing to your mental processes but stereotypical thinking, reports of made up diseases and pharmaceutical ads that persuade you that youโ€™ve got them, and highly controlled actors that are monitored every second, so that they donโ€™t accidentally tell you the truth about whatโ€™s really going on.

Additionally, everyone you see on TV does not accurately represent what itโ€™s really like being a human with unrealistic beauty standards and filters to make us all HATE OURSELVES. Itโ€™s all part of the strategy to keep us stuck in our head and continue to suffer in silence (hence, all the mental health issues weโ€™re experiencing today).


Your conditioning continues with all the media youโ€™re exposed to: films, TV series, music, books, art.

But music in particular has a powerful effect on your belief system, because you tend to ignore the songs as theyโ€™re playing in the background โ€“ but your mind is still listening and consuming the messages!

Your reality is the product of your thoughts and your words as much as it is the result of your actions.

Music not only has a frequency of its own, but the messaging in most pop, R&B and hip hop songs are intentionally created with lyrics to help you downsize your own potential and reality.

There are 7 chakras in the body and each represents a different energy centre that can help you live more balanced. Music can help you restore your inner balance!

The 7 chakras or the 7 energetic centres in your body are:

  • Root chakra: energy centre for security

  • Sacral chakra: energy centre for creativity and sensuality

  • Solar plexus chakra: energy centre for courage

  • Heart chakra: energy centre for love and empathy

  • Root chakra: energy centre for honesty and communication

  • Third eye chakra: energy centre for imagination

  • Crown chakra: energy centre for trust and oneness

If you need a boost for one of the chakras, simply search for the specific solfeggio frequency in Google, YouTube or Spotify AND feel the shift in your body. 

Everything around us is energy!


Nothing helps calm your nervous system like intentionally making the choice to slow down, also known as practicing mindfulness.

The best way to figure out whatโ€™s going on in your mind is to let your Higher Self be channeled through you โ€”meditation and journaling help you become a better listener (to yourself).

Thereโ€™s no right or wrong way to meditate and journal. 

You show up for it and do what feels right in the moment.

You might start with pre-defined questions you have or allow your consciousness to guide you to an area of your life that requires your attention. 

The purpose of this habit is to become comfortable with your own company, with any uncomfortable emotions and with the idea that you are safe, extraordinary and full of limitless potential!

Discover the 7 30-DAY Self-Growth Journals. The 30-Day BIG TALK Journals are designed to ground more wisdom into your everyday experience straight from Source, the centre of the Universe.


The best way to heal the inner wounds is to feel your emotions. 

A lot of the inner child trauma thatโ€™s been created in our society cannot be erased, but we can face it and heal from it, so that we can finally evolve from the behaviour that caused it. 

What created so much of our childhood trauma? The CIAโ€™s top secret project Monarch Mind Control.

If youโ€™re missing your childhood memories from the first 7 years of your life, you have been affected by the Monarch Mind Control Programming as part of a larger plan to enslave society worldwide and get us to believe in all the lies theyโ€™ve been feeding us for years.

Hereโ€™s the Monarch Mind Control Programming explained:

The mass awakening has begun and more of the truth will begin to resurface, including individual stories of strength, bravery and intellect. 

Remember that any mind control tactics in our society today are done with the intention to keep us in a โ€œvictimโ€ mindset, so that we donโ€™t believe in ourselves and our dreams. 

To follow your heart, to pursue your goals, to show up authentically in the worldโ€Šโ€”โ€Šthatโ€™s the ultimate victory for any and all of us!


The cause of much โ€œevilโ€ on Earth today is none other than alcohol:

  • Parents neglect their children

  • Friends betray and lie to each other

  • Spouses cheat on one another

  • Grown-ups play mind games and lack healthy communication

  • Adults waste their potential and remain stuck in nostalgia (or living in the past)

When youโ€™re intoxicated, itโ€™s easier to get you manipulated, gaslit, tricked and abused.

We hurt each other unintentionally because of alcoholโ€Šโ€”โ€Šbecause weโ€™ve developed an unhealthy addiction to alcohol. 

Alcohol is the worst kind of coping mechanism, because it disempowers our ability to fight back: impulses, intrusive thoughts, irrational fears.

Do yourself a favour and stop drinking alcohol for 30 days. I guarantee you, you wonโ€™t go back to alcohol when you discover the amount of energy that comes with being sober 24/7.

Why? Alcoholโ€™s poison to your immune system, gut health and nervous system regulation.

If you want to fight a cold, leave the shot of whiskey and eat some garlic instead! Garlic is one of natureโ€™s strongest antibiotics.


What we consume is our fuel for the day.

When we consume junk food, we slowly but surely damage our body.

When we consume food that isnโ€™t healthy for us for long periods of time, we create chronic health conditions that require years to heal.

Here are the 7 key reasons your gut health might be suffering:

  • Sugar

  • Salt

  • Spicy food

  • Fried food

  • Highly processed food

  • Foods with heavy metals

  • Alcohol

The gut is often labeled as our second brain.

When our gut health is affected, our overall health is affected.

These 30 brands are not only unhealthy, but they are highly addictive and thatโ€™s what makes it so easy for customers to keep on choosing them.


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


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