Why ADHD Doesn’t Really Exist

Kids just want to play and learn… with you! 🦋

One way to lose the innocence of children is to make them feel like there’s something wrong with them, or better yet — persuade their parents that there’s something wrong with their children.

ADHD, among other mental health conditions and social disorders, are created to shame and blame sensitive children who want to be supported, acknowledged and loved.



Just because we have been desensitised through various means of mind control, gaslighting and manipulation over the past few decades, it doesn’t mean that our hearts have stopped beating and believing in love.

Our Souls are awakening and we can no longer be lied to 24/7. 

It’s time to face the truth of what’s been happening on Earth, learn how to human better and start protecting the children — for they truly are the future of the world.

But first, let’s analyse ADHD and how we were tricked to believe it’s real.


Children need attention from their parents and caretakers. 

Children need love.

They depend on their parent’s attention to their needs in order to survive.

We live in a society that’s created ways for outsourcing raising children. In today’s world with the rise of streaming platforms, gaming apps and all kinds of electronic devices, all parents need to do is spend their money on the latest products and their parenting job is done!

Children have been practically raising themselves in the past few decades.

The relationship between parents and children is dysfunctional, because our parents were raised in a dysfunctional manner (the parents of our parents lived after the Second World War and other wars, to put things into perspective) and they never did the healing work to reprogram their subconscious mind and heal their own trauma.

But today we have plenty of self-help resources that Millennials and Gen Z are using to be better human beings and therefore better parents. 

It might be too late for some of the members of the older generations, but there’s still hope for the future generations.

Lesson number 1 is that children are sensitive and require meaningful time with their parents, peers and tachers in the first 7 years of their life to mature in a healthy way and learn about the world in a way that doesn’t destroy their own mental health.


This is a society of instant gratification:

  • Want intimacy? Join a dating app in seconds.

  • Want a meal? Order junk food in seconds.

  • Want external validation? Post a selfie and count the likes.

  • Want to escape boredom? TV will take care of it!

TV is the biggest propaganda machine. TV has been poisoning our minds with all kinds of wrong messages that are based on fear. 

The people who created the Monarch Mind Control Programming and the MK Ultra Mind Control Programming are desperate: that’s why the number of drug ads on TV has not only increased, it is taking more airtime than actual movies sometimes.

They (governments and other systems of the current world) know that WE KNOW HOW TO HEAL OURSELVES — THAT WE’RE NOT REALLY SICK and they are in a state of total panic because we’re starting to see through all the lies.

It’s too late now. The truth about their actions is about to come out and the recovery journey will be a long one, but once we face the truth, we’ll be able to heal from it and create structures in society that no longer poison us and destroy us long before our appointed time of departure.

We are not really sick. We are just reacting to a sick society!

The symptoms are merely an indication of where we’re exhausted mentally and where we’re hurting emotionally. 

We don’t need pills. We need love!


“ADHD is neither an illness, nor it is inheritable,” says Dr. Gabor Maté.

All mental health diseases are a product of the current system we live in: a system largely designed to brainwash us and control us into submission every step of the way through mind control tactics.

ADHD is a natural reaction to what’s going on in the world.

Children are angry because they are being conditioned to think and act in a certain way without being able to create their own opinions or share their own feelings freely (Monarch Mind Control Programming).

Children are bored and without motivation because every time they attempt to share their interests with parents, peers and teachers, they are met with disapproval, rejection, absent-mindedness or worse — total neglect (Monarch Mind Control Programming).

Children are hyper-active because EVERYTHING IS ENERGY and children are the most sensitive beings on Earth. They feel everything around them and what they’re feeling is A LOT OF DARK ENERGY in the current world of fear, hatred and negativity we live in (Monarch Mind Control Programming and MK Ultra Mind Control Programming).

Children have no one to turn to because their own parents have been brainwashed for years with the multiple tactics of mind control employed by all governments around the world. 

Children diagnosed with ADHD are not sick. The society we live in is sick!


You might have heard of the NEW WORLD ORDER that global leaders are talking about in major forums concerning the future of society as we know it.

But there’s another order that is currently being downloaded into the consciousness of every person who’s on the spiritual ascension path: the NEW EARTH ORDER.

The New Earth Order’s key aim is to restore the balance between the Natural and the Material world by bringing balance between the Game of Life and the School of Life.

This NEW EARTH we’re building is one where we are creating positive change on a societal level, so that we can start to welcome children without inflicting further unnecessary pain and trauma — it serves no purpose beyond torture to their souls, our souls, everyone’s souls.

Today’s world is far too corrupted and it’s time for change.

It’s time for positive change! 🦋


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!


5 Ways to Escape the Fear-Based Programming


CIA’s Monarch Mind Control Explained