CIA’s Monarch Mind Control Explained

Time for positive change  🦋

We owe much of our suffering to our grandparents and parents, because they were the team that raised us during our onboarding on Earth – the first 7 years of our life that were formative for our thinking and behaviour.

What did our grandparents do? 👀

They agreed to take part in a military-inspired mind-control programme that has a ripple effect in our society to this day AND they raised the parents that raised us.

Remember that our grandparents – and for some generations today, your parents – lived in the years following the Second World War when the big technological boom happened and TV made its way to every living room.

And what is TV?

The ultimate propaganda machine and the propaganda happens while you’re being entertained. It’s smart!

But a lot more happened in the years after the two big wars….

I’m talking about the Monarch Mind Control Project and the MK Ultra Mind Control Project.

The Monarch Mind Control Project explains why we live in a world full of child pornography, paedophiles, child trafficking and inner child trauma AND it’s pointless to keep closing your eyes to the truth. It’s time to face the truth, so we can heal from it!


Why are the first 7 years so important?

The Monarch Mind Control Project creates slaves undetectably. 

You’re groomed and prepared to be a slave since the day you’re born, exposed to methods of hypnosis and torture that condition your subconscious mind to think and act in a specific way in order to avoid pain and punishment.

I was essentially trained to be a machine that performs and shows no emotions. Which is quite effective when it comes to training soldiers, right? And quite brutal when it comes to raising children: hence, why we’ve got inner child healing to face today!

The Monarch Mind Control Programming robs you of your own sense of identity and your self-worth, so that you can always be co-dependent on others, specifically abusers and manipulators.

We live in a world where we’re performing, 24/7.

The greater our performance, the higher our evaluation: which explains why we have a culture of burnout, mental health issues and perfectionism.

We’re all trained TO FORGET about our emotions, that OUR EMOTIONS ARE BAD: this is embedded in your consciousness or rather in the subconscious mind.

You don’t have a clue about any of this unless or until God intervenes.


One of the biggest “Aha” moments of my life came when I realised that TRAUMA IS NOT REAL because none of this real – we are so attached to our bodies, our homes, our cars and possessions because we’re conditioned to be defined and limited by the 3D world around us, when there’s so much more to explore and become.

Earth is a game and you volunteered to come here.

You pick your family, your gameplan, your lessons and even who you’re going to team up with and then you land on your chosen location (your chosen family)!

The problem is that you forget all about it when you arrive.

And also the game’s corrupted: the Monarch Mind Control Programming + the MK Ultra Mind Control Programming.

The only way to remember why you came to Earth, unlock all of your potential and abilities and overcome the virus is to spiritually ascend.

Much like in the movie Free Guy, the world as we know it is currently falling apart thanks to a little event called “The Great Mass Awakening”.

So you really have 2 choices now: remain in the corrupted version of the game or do the inner work to remember your greatness and jump seasons.


Earth is also a School and every time you become better and do better, you advance your understanding and simultaneously unlock more of your INNER KNOWLEDGE, so that you can use it while being on Earth: to fulfil your soul purpose, manifest and create positive change.

What we’re supposed to do in our lifetime on Earth is…

  • Learn

  • Grow

  • Collaborate

  • Co-create

  • Love

Love is the ultimate form of existence on Earth. Love is something that doesn’t exist anywhere else and it is the most powerful form of magic, because love heals all wounds: spiritually, emotionally, mentally and even physically.

You are here to learn and grow, to experience the full spectrum of emotions before you fully fall in love with life, with the world, with yourself.

Self-love is the masterkey and spiritual ascension is the way to transcend from the corrupted version of this game. 

The Monarch Mind Control Project might have had your Soul enslaved for years, but your Soul is still there, waiting for you to reconnect with it and claim back your power.


You might have heard of the NEW WORLD ORDER that global leaders are talking about in major forums concerning the future of society as we know it.

But there’s another order that is currently being downloaded into the consciousness of every person who’s on the spiritual ascension path: the NEW EARTH ORDER.

The New Earth Order’s key aim is to restore the balance between the Natural and the Material world by bringing balance between the Game of Life and the School of Life.

This NEW EARTH we’re building is one where we are creating positive change on a societal level, so that we can start to welcome children without inflicting further unnecessary pain and trauma – it serves no purpose beyond torture to their souls, our souls, everyone’s souls.

Today’s world is far too corrupted and it’s time for change.

It’s time for positive change!


Stella Yann

Stella Yann is a Writer, Lightworker and a Storyteller driven to create a more authentic world filled with joy!

Why ADHD Doesn’t Really Exist


Why Do Some Children Come to Suffer on Earth