DAY 15


They say that we already know all the answers to our deepest questions, but to reveal them we need to let our intuition lead the way and open our heart to receive the inspiration. 

When you dedicate time to explore your own ideas of what the future could look like, you set in motion a growth reset. We are continuously changing and evolving, so it’s important to recognise our progress in a timely manner and keep adjusting our goals as we advance our skills and knowledge further. 

Your challenge today is to write a short story titled β€œMy epic 2023 year”.

For example, put together a sentence for each area of your life that you want to progress further or change altogetherβ€Šβ€”β€Šyour career and professional development, your physical and mental health, your relationships and friendships, or your hobbies and adventures. 

The aim to dream big! After all, if you can picture it, then you can certainly start working towards it.

What’s in it?

Daily challenge
Daily question
Daily inspiration


Day 14: Fitness


Day 16: Kindness