DAY 17


Every day we meet new people, but how often do you actually approach them with the intention of introducing yourself? 

You never know who's going to play an important part in your life, until they become a friend, colleague, mentor, and you name it!

Your challenge today is to introduce yourself to a new person – and if you have an opportunity, listen to their story.

For example, chat with the person beside you while you’re waiting for your coffee to be made, start a conversation while waiting for the bus or in the taxi, or talk to someone that just started working at your company. 

The aim is to approach conversations with an open mind and be an active listener.

Every person has a story to tell. If you listen long enough, you will realise that we are all going through the same emotions behind the details: fear, excitement, anger, hope, grief. The more you listen to people and actually hear their stories, the more you will expand your emotional intelligence.

It takes courage to speak up, but to listen β€” that’s a skill for the greatest minds.

What’s in it?

Daily challenge
Daily question
Daily inspiration


Day 16: Kindness


Day 18: Gratitude