DAY 13


The people we spend time with every day learn about us through our behaviour, which sometimes keeps surprises from ourselves. This means that every now and then we will act by instinct before we have the time to think about what we say or do.

Learning to trust others in moments of doubt or difficulty can help us realise our own strengths better and ultimately feel less alone in the face of seemingly impossible tasks.

Your challenge today is to ask someone for help.

For example, ask a colleague to help you with a project whose deadline is approaching soon, or ask a friend to help you with a decisionβ€Šβ€”β€Šthis could be as small as picking a birthday present for a mutual friend or as big as choosing a new career field. 

The aim is to practice opening up to others and learning to share burdens and uncertainties as much as joyful moments with loved ones!

What’s in it?

Daily challenge
Daily question
Daily inspiration


Day 12: Creativity


Day 14: Fitness