Stella Yann Stella Yann


If I could back to my 18-year-old self, I’d say… The trick’s in the balance – acknowledging what’s gone, planning for what’s to come, and really seeing what’s here right now.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


To reach peak performance is to be fully aware of your strengths and weakness, and how to navigate throughout the day using the best of both.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


There are many skills and talents hidden in us when we look within, but one trait we all share in common from the day we’re born in this world.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Looking after yourself should be the easiest task in the world, right? But after years of marketing messages and societal expectations, it’s time to look within!

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


When people talk about investments, it’s often in relation to business. But investing in yourself can mean a lot of things… such as moving across the world to chase a dream!

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