Stella Yann Stella Yann


There are three life principles that most people adhere to when it comes to success: bad luck, good luck, hard work.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Most of us have a breaking point before we exhaust ourselves to the point of no quick recovery. This breaking point is also known as “burnout”.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Music helps us get “in the zone”, whatever the task at hand might be. But on some occasions what’s on your playlist can work against you.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Be mindful of who brings you peace – these are the people that show up on your journey to assist you in your growth

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


What’s the wildest, most exciting invention that you can come up with?

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Words create our reality, whether we think them or speak them.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Hope empowers us to be the dreamers that actually change the world.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Just because something is difficult doesn’t mean it’s bad for you or impossible to achieve.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Anger is one of the core emotions we all experience. But all too often we perceive it as an emotion that we should not be feeling

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Everyone’s got a trick up their sleeve when it comes to getting things done.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Our most natural self-preservation instinct – to sleep as a way to restore our mind and body, has been somewhat disabled by the constant messages in society to “do more”, “have more” and “consume more”.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


We all make mistakes, but our mistakes don’t define us – they refine us.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


What is doubt? The fear of failure – perhaps more so in the eyes of others, but it is fear nonetheless.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Perspective makes all the difference. It’s what it takes to transform your whole life in seconds.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


We are as sensible as the people whose advice we trust.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Is it to be kind? To give each other support and advice? To love each other unconditionally?

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Confidence is learning to say YES to the unfamiliar, knowing that once it’s familiar it’s not that scary.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Think about the most liked and respected people around you. What are the qualities they share in common? They are probably more extroverted.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


The experiences that take our breath away shift something in us that allows us to see life with more clarity and appreciation.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


To feel understood is to give yourself permission to be just as you are without judgement.

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