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Maui’s Message to the World: “Wake Up”
Maui’s message to the World is this one: “Wake up! It’s time to reconnect with you Higher Self.”
Childhood Trauma & Monarch Programming
Monarch Mind Control Programming is CIA’s project to create childhood trauma in our society: a project that began after the Second World War together with MK Ultra.
NASA, Mars & The 9 Planets: Can We Ever Leave Earth?
If Earth is a closed system, this means that we’re stuck in it for the duration of our lifetime. We’re here to learn, play, experiment, advance our knowledge and love!
Wake Up or Worship: Time to Choose
We've been conditioned to "worship" celebrities, from local politicians and TV stars all the way to big sports names and Beyonce. Why? To waste our time on Earth.
Evolution, Black Holes, Energy Manipulation on Earth
What do Stephen Hawking and Charles Darwin have to do with what’s happening on Earth right now? A lot!
CIA’s Monarch Mind Control Explained
The Monarch Mind Control Project might have had your Soul enslaved for years, but your Soul is still there, waiting for you to reconnect with it and claim back your power.
Spiritual Ascension: The Final Test
You have a choice every single day: to do better than the day before. That's your free will, honour it, follow it, choose better: lead with love!
Soul Purpose: Why You Came to Earth
You volunteered to help co-create the New Earth. To remember your soul mission and unlock your potential and abilities, you need to spiritually ascend!