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Starseeds: The Creative Masterminds
The Lightworkers known as Starseeds have both extraordinary logical and creative skills and their mind can be compared to AI in human form! In a way, it is.
How to Unlock Creativity and Ascend Spiritually
All creative people are connected to Source and channeling ideas from Source. Every person has the potential to unlock their creativity, it’s only a matter of intention and practice.
Space: Can We Actually Leave Earth?
The question isn’t whether Earth is flat, but whether we can leave Earth. We are being shown space missions while the state of the Earth gets worse… Why? Is it all for money?
3 Simple Habits to Ground Your Root Chakra
The root chakra is the energetic centre for calm, peace and safety. When you are afraid, you block your creative thinking, confidence and empathy.
Synthetic Biology: How to Destroy the Human Body
We need biology education worldwide to fully understand how the body works and why today's food is unprocessable. Synthetic biology is destroying our DNA!
3 Habits That Will Set You Apart
Health, happiness and success are all about taking accountability for your thoughts, feelings and actions. That's how you stand out as a leader!
5 Sectors of Monarch Programming
Monarch Programming blocks our natural evolution! Mind control means we have been exposed to lies for years to keep us sick, ill-informed, programmed to be slaves to the system.
Earth Angels: The Messengers of Unconditional Love
The Lightworkers who are here as Earth Angels carry unconditional love and their presence in rooms awakens the ability of everyone to feel it in their own heart.