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Twin Flames, Soulmates & Karmic Relationships
Did you know there are 3 types of relationships you can experience on Earth? Twin Flames help us grow, Soulmates make our life easier, Karmics challenge us!
How to Level Up In Hollywood
There are 6 main brand deals that celebrities are given to level up in Hollywood. Each brand deal helps them keep us distracted from our soul purpose!
8 Simple Rules to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
To reprogram your subconscious mind means to change and enhance your belief system. Everything you think, say and do starts with your belief system!
50 Movies That Will Help Your Spiritual Awakening
Your spiritual awakening is a time of self-discovery and self-discipline. Movies are like puzzle pieces that help us understand the big picture called LIFE!
Project Stargate: How to Raise Your Consciousness
CIA’s Stargate Project is an exercise in raising your consciousness. Everyone can unlock their psychic abilities but first you need to do the inner work.
Operation Paperclip: NASA, Mind Control, Brand Loyalty
Operation Paperclip started with the Nazi scientist Wernher von Braun shaping the American space program and it's transformed into fashion brands producing NASA T-shirts.
How to Interpret Your Natal Birth Chart
Your natal birth chart shows your soul purpose, communication style, love language, existing knowledge and what you came to learn and become during your lifetime!
Space: Can We Actually Leave Earth?
The question isn’t whether Earth is flat, but whether we can leave Earth. We are being shown space missions while the state of the Earth gets worse… Why? Is it all for money?