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Why ADHD Doesn’t Really Exist
We are not really sick. We are just reacting to a sick society! Our symptoms indicate where we're exhausted mentally and where we're hurting emotionally.
CIA’s Monarch Mind Control Explained
The Monarch Mind Control Project might have had your Soul enslaved for years, but your Soul is still there, waiting for you to reconnect with it and claim back your power.
5 Ways You Are Conditioned to Hate Yourself
From the day you're born until the day you die, you're conditioned to hate yourself. Why? So that you can remain a slave and obey the rules of the Elites.
Why We Settle In Relationships
If there's a part of us that believes it deserves to "suffer some more", it will always accept to be loved by: a liar, a manipulator, a cheater, an abuser.
Trauma is NOT real
What do mind control and mental health have to do with trauma? Everything! You are in the Game of Life with your consciousness, time to spiritually awaken!
The Book That Helped Me Free My Inner Child
The Body Keeps the Score reminds us that we may carry the wounds of our past, including the past of our ancestors, but we carry their strength, too.
The Difference Between Inner Child Healing & Shadow Work
The hardest journey to go through is the journey that takes seconds to begin - it is called "doing the inner work", inner child healing and shadow work.