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5 Ways to Turn Every Challenge Into a Learning Opportunity
Earth's a school. When you understand what your current challenge is trying to teach you, you begin to appreciate it as part of your learning on Earth.
Evolution, Black Holes, Energy Manipulation on Earth
What do Stephen Hawking and Charles Darwin have to do with what’s happening on Earth right now? A lot!
The 5 Stages of a Spiritual Awakening
A spiritual awakening is a very personal experience, because there's no specific time that we all awaken. It depends entirely on your Higher Self!
What Does Spiritual Ascension Actually Mean?
Spiritual ascension is the process of elevating your consciousness, remembering your higher calling and understanding life beyond the 3D limitations on Earth.
5 Ways to Escape the Fear-Based Programming
Don't panic! To calm down your nervous system, you need to switch from operating in your sympathetic system to being in your parasympathetic system.
Why ADHD Doesn’t Really Exist
We are not really sick. We are just reacting to a sick society! Our symptoms indicate where we're exhausted mentally and where we're hurting emotionally.
CIA’s Monarch Mind Control Explained
The Monarch Mind Control Project might have had your Soul enslaved for years, but your Soul is still there, waiting for you to reconnect with it and claim back your power.
Why Do Some Children Come to Suffer on Earth
We all volunteer to come to Earth. Children choose their families. They are here to teach you lessons and assist you in achieving your soul purpose.