Stella Yann Stella Yann


You don’t need money to come up with the next big idea – you need your imagination.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


We never know how a decision is going to change our life until we make the choice to take a leap of faith.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


β€œThe more you know about someone, the more you can help them.” The same logic applies to you…

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Looking after your health is not a luxury – it is your primary responsibility as a human being.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Forgiveness is an inside job. And it’s one of the kindest acts of service that we can give to ourselves.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Being wrong is important. It means you are willing to take risks and venture out of your comfort zone.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


β€œI am lacking time” and β€œI need more time” tell two different stories, even if the meaning is the same.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Where do you work best and where do you do your best work are two separate questions.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Do you do something that makes you happy every day? Or do you spend your days being happy with whatever you’re doing?

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


The short answer – every day. The long answer – mostly every day.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


When we try to control everything, sooner or later we realise that it is not sustainable and it might be what’s blocking us from growth.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


A lot can change in a year. We are constantly changing, even if we can’t recognise the changes instantly.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


When you do a big workout and your muscles are sore the day after, you don’t go attempting to do another big workout. Recovery is part of the process.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Is there an item on your shopping wishlist that can significantly improve your daily life right now? Why haven’t you bought it yet?

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Whatever your age might be today, there’s an inner child within all of us. And the inner child remembers a lot!

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Simply by dedicating more time for yourself, you can shift your entire attitude to life from lack mindset to abundance mindset.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Our role models reveal a lot about us. The people that give us a sense of amazement!

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


What works better for you: positive reinforcement or negative reinforcement?

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Resilience has many names. Empathy, patience, consistency, honesty, kindness, confidence, to list a few.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


When we’re passionate about something, we are interested in continuously learning more about it. But what do we do with all of the knowledge?

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