Stella Yann Stella Yann


What is a missed opportunity if not a lesson that you’re yet to master?

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Life operates in divine timing. Everything happens exactly when it’s supposed to happen.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


The more we learn about the world, the more we discover that we have no idea what’s going on!

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Without your biggest mistakes, you wouldn’t be the person you are today.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Shame is an expression of self-rejection and self-hatred.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


The feminine side thrives when involved in activities that are nurturing, creative, playful, expressive, supportive, compassionate, flowing.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


The person who can master their daily actions is the person who can achieve anything. If only the rest of the world didn’t exist!

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Success is about reaching a level of your consciousness where you are able to enjoy every day of the journey.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Death isn’t the only cause for grief. The loss of anything that was meaningful to you triggers the process of grieving to happen.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Life’s a lot like an online game. There are some limitations based on the current character you’re playing, but you always have the freedom to change your character.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Emotions don’t need reason. They need to be felt in order to be released and allowed to flow freely.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Dancing’s good for the soul – it shakes off the old, negative energy and boosts your life force energy.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


We don’t know exactly how much we’ve got on our mind until we write it down.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Everything in life’s a lesson and every mistake brings you closer to understanding what’s your current lesson.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Anger isn’t scary. Avoiding it is the real danger – because anger doesn’t magically go away, it only increases with time until it’s dealt with.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Astrology is one of the oldest sciences, but you don’t hear much good press about it.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Our differences might puzzle others, but it’s precisely what makes the world a greater place.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Emotions are neither easy to tame, nor designed to be tamed. They are meant to flow freely.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


If you feel “forced” to do something, especially if this happens repeatedly, ask yourself who’s applying the pressure?

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


What are the actions that improve your mood when they’re part of your daily routine?

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