Stella Yann Stella Yann


Next time you describe yourself to new people, choose your introduction carefully. Your words have the power to open doors for you and present you to opportunities, places, and people you’ve never imagined possible.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Setting a daily intention can help you focus your energy on the right things.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


The stories we see on the big screen have all been inspired by real life. The brilliance we see on display from our favourite characters is the same brilliance we carry within us.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


All the answers are within you. But it’s a matter of finding the right stimulation to get to them.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Winning the lottery might seem like the ultimate dream, but is that your dream?

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


When you keep bringing the past with you (in your thoughts or in your heart), you are more likely to act from a past version of yourself.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Distractions can get the best of us, even on our best days. The good news is that we can bounce back as soon as we recognise that we’re experiencing them. The bad news is that we often don’t recognise distractions as such.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Sometimes we give up on the interests or hobbies that make us happy because we want to fit in a particular group that doesn’t get the same attraction to whatever gets us excited.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


We spend a lot of our days chasing the words “I’m proud of you” from those around us, from friends and family members to colleagues and strangers. This is called external validation.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


A happy place is somewhere you can go mentally or physically to boost your energy levels, so that you can come back to your reality recharged and with more appreciation for yourself and the present moment.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Every time you dream, your subconsciousness is trying to communicate with you. In order to interpret the dreams, we must look at the bigger picture.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


When we operate from a lack mindset, we are busy focusing on how far away from us is what we want at the moment, instead of appreciating every next step forward to the finish line.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Use this as the starting point to understand what it is that you want to offer to the world and the people around you. You don’t need to have a restaurant to share your joy, passion and love with others.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Unlike happiness, balance can be created by looking at your outside world. But just like happiness, there’s a component that goes on the inside that you shouldn’t ignore.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Remember the intro to N.E.R.D., Pharell & Rihanna’s song Lemon? “The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


“How can I surprise myself,” you might ask. “I already know everything there is to know about myself.”

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Board games have the power to connect people (as they cooperate to win the round) or to divide people (should they be on the losing team).

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


The books that change our life are the books that change our perspective.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Coincidences happen all the time. Whether they distract us or connect us, they happen to bring our attention to the present moment.

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Stella Yann Stella Yann


Music guides us into a more balanced state, offering a stage for our heart and mind to dance side by side.

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